Favorite Uncle Marty
Have Leisure Suit - Will Travel


1 - Chair Storage

If you are moving the CHAIRS from storage to the garage,
the CHAIRS are located in the closet in the game room. 

Correctly stored, the CHAIRS will have the cloth seat
facing out toward the room.


2 - Table Storage

If you are moving the TABLES from storage to the garage, the TABLES are located in the closet in the downstairs bedroom. 

Correctly stored, the TABLES will have the rounded
corner toward the left.


3 - Garage Dinner Storage

If you are getting garage dinner items out of storage, those
items are stored in the closet in Erin's bedroom.


4 - Downstairs Bathroom

This is an item that Grammy checks EVERY time she
walks past the downstairs bathroom. 

Since it bothers Grammy so much, please leave the
bathroom door slightly open as shown on the left below. 

Please DO NOT leave the door open as
shown on the right below.

NOT Correct

